the kuhn family
the best and mayyyybeee worst part about my job is the secrets I get to keep! when I say that this session was a hard secret, I mean it. i swear marissa texted me that she was pregnant the day after the two pink lines showed up… so talk about a long secret to keep. the hardest part was that all of my friends knew them so it was like every time I came in contact with a mutual friend, I felt like I was carrying the worlds biggest secret EVER!
but that makes it the best part of my job - knowing this big monumental moments before the world! knowing that you get to play a small part in someone’s life and knowing that you get to capture the moments that are going to mean the world to a couple, a family, and their friends. it truly was one of the best secrets I have ever gotten to keep! it’ll be hard to top for sure.
to marissa and cody: yall are already the best parents to sweet Kylie and I cannot WAIT to see you guys become parents to a little baby that you guys created together! that baby already has the best two people as parents and I am so damn excited for you both! marissa, you are going to be the best momma, it’s what you were made for! cody, you are such a great dad and I can’t wait to see it be doubled! I am so honored you guys trusted me to hold onto this secret and capture such a special memory!
i’ll love ya forever!